Uromastyx Starter Buying Guide

Prepared by Arids Only

Everything you need for a basic uromastyx habitat! Our Starter Guides are focused on the baseline necessities to care for your pet, making them more affordable and ideal for first-time keepers.

Note that this guide is NOT appropriate for Egyptian uromastyx (U. aegyptia), as they require significantly larger habitats than other uromastyx species.

grey uro
Uromastyx thomasi - Photo by Phillip Lietz
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This Care Guide been curated by Arids Only.

Phillip Lietz of Arids Only specializes in producing amazing, healthy, and vivacious Uromastyx. He takes the utmost care in producing animals with sound genetic, physical, and mental health.

Read Full Care Guide


A uromastyx enclosure should be large enough to allow for a proper thermoregulatory gradient and have opaque or covered sides to retain heat and reduce stress. For a starter setup, we recommend a minimum 4’x2’x2’ wooden or PVC enclosure.



Uromastyx substrate should replicate the conditions of their native regions, usually sand or very sandy soil, and should be at least 4” deep. Arids Only recommends using fine, dye-free sand with small rocks, pebbles, or gravel scattered across the surface. For a 4’x2’x2’ enclosure, you'll need at least 2.5 cubic feet of sand (250 pounds) and around 3-5 pounds of surface gravel.


Heat & Lighting

A uromastyx enclosure should have overhead heat, UVB, a daylight lamp, and tools to monitor and control these elements.

Heat Source

You'll need a cluster of at least two 90-100 watt heat bulbs to create an appropriate basking area. Halogen flood bulbs are the ideal source of IR-A and IR-B radiation needed for healthy thermoregulation, best paired with a reflective dome fixture to project the heat evenly and naturally.

UVB Lamp

Uromastyx need plenty of strong UVB in order to stay healthy. We recommend a 14% UVB output T5 HO linear fluorescent lamp with a reflective fixture, spanning ½ to the length of the enclosure. The lamp can be placed directly on top of the screen or installed inside the enclosure. The height of your basking platform will depend on how your UVB lamp is mounted.

• UVB placed on screen top: 8-13” above basking surface
• UVB mounted inside enclosure: 14-20” above basking surface

Daylight Lamp

Diurnal sun-loving reptiles like uromastyx should have a 6400-6500K daylight lamp to stimulate natural behaviors and maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. A full spectrum LED bar is the strongest, brightest, and most efficient option. This lamp should span 75-100% of the enclosure length.

Monitoring & Regulation

  1. 2 Gauges: Place each thermometer/hygrometer on opposite sides of the enclosure to monitor the necessary warm-to-cool temperature gradient.
  2. Outlet timer: All reptiles should have a healthy circadian schedule: heat and UVB turned on during the day, then everything turned off at night to allow for total darkness and a natural temperature drop (~12hrs/day). This can be best achieved using a simple outlet timer.
  3. Rheostat: A manual plug-in dimmer for your heat lamp allows you to make small adjustments to find the “sweet spot” on your lizard's basking area, reduces risk of overheating, and prolongs bulb life. (To automatically maintain your temps, you can plug your heat lamp into a dimming thermostat)

Decor & Enrichment

Uromastyx require a variety of specific decor items that are vital for basking, security, and health.

Basking Platform

Your enclosure should have a flat, elevated surface for basking beneath the heat source, ideally made out of stone or wood for optimal thermal performance, and large enough to accommodate most of an adult's body. In addition, uromastyx need at least 1 warm hide, so a combination hide + basking platform is a simple and effective solution!

Alternatively, you can create your own basking platform with large pieces of rock, slate, or bricks! We do also recommend providing additional hides across the temperature gradient.

Cork & Branches

A starter habitat should have at least 1-2 large branches for your uromastyx to climb and at least 1 large cork flat to provide additional hiding opportunities and varied textures for enrichment and shedding.


Tools & Feeding

For a complete uromastyx starter setup, Arids Only recommends:

  1. Medium sized water dish
  2. Shallow feeding dish for salad
  3. Repashy SuperVeggie herbivore supplement
  4. Miner-All Indoor calcium supplement
  5. Hand mister for humidity maintenance
  6. Shovel scooper for spot cleaning substrate

Uromastyx Setup Examples

uro enclosure 2
uro enclosure 3
uro enclosure 5
uro enclosure 1
uro enclosure 4

Photo by Phillip Lietz