Bearded Dragon
Vermillion, SD
Electric Blue Gecko
Neon Day Gecko
Standing Day Gecko
My name is Chris Anderson and I am a life long hobbyist and professional herpetologist who specializes in chameleons. I also breed a number of additional species, particularly day geckos, and work with numerous others, prima...
Denver, Colorado
Gidgee Skink
Omani Uromastyx
Ornate Uromastyx
Pilbara rock monitor
Shield-Tailed Agama
Colorado-based Herpetoculturist specializing in Uromastyx, Xenagama, Egernia, and other rare desert lizards.
St cloud, MN
Bearded Dragon
Northern Blue Tongue Skink
We work with northern blue tongue skinks and bearded dragons. We primarily breed northerns and on occasion the beardies. We offer a wide diverse collection of various colors and lineage.
Chicago, IL
Irian Jaya Blue Tongue Skink
Northern Blue Tongue Skink
I've been passionate about all animals since I was old enough to smile. I became more passionate about reptiles when it was announced severe cat and dog allergies would prohibit me from becoming that kind of a pet owner. I w...
San Antonio, TX
Gargoyle Gecko
Leopard Gecko
We are a family-based, mid-scale breeder of high end AFTs, Leos, and Gargoyle Geckos. Our primary focus is the health and well being of every animal in our collection. We work with only top quality genetics, with great atten...
Poolesville, MD
Ball Python
Lesser Chameleon
Mexican Pine Snake
Panther Chameleon
We specialize in yellow body blue bar Panther chameleons. The "i" in iPardalis stands for individually-raised because we strive to raise our reptiles individually and monitor their health and development closely.
Graham, WA
Chahoua Gecko
Gargoyle Gecko
Leachianus Gecko
We are a Husband & Wife team sharing our passion for reptiles. We breed: Gargoyles Isle De Pine Chahoua (Pine Island) Leachies Hog Island Boas Paraguanera Venezuela Boas
Boston, MA
Eastern Blue Tongue Skink
Northern Blue Tongue Skink
Pink Tongue Skink
Keeping a variety of reptiles since 2005!! Animals in their breeding program are from top quality lineage, and are carefully paired to produce stunning, healthy, and genetically diverse babies. They are currentl...
Central Florida
Hybrid Tegu
Red Tegu
Laura Roberts has over 30 years of animal handling experience, over 20 years of teaching experience, and 15 years of working with tegus. Her educational background includes studies in Animal Science, Cardiopulmonary Science...
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Carpet Chameleon
Electric Blue Gecko
Jeweled Lacerta
Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Northern Blue Tongue Skink
Hello! My name is Frank Payne and I am a biology teacher, former AZA senior herpetology zookeeper, and breeder of exceptional lizards. I have been keeping and breeding reptiles and amphibians continuously, both personally an...
Littleton, CO
Angolan Python
Anthill Python
Eastern Blue Tongue Skink
Eastern Stimson's Python
Gidgee Skink
Reptile Mountain is what I call a "small-batch" breeding business. My goal is to produce premium captive bred under represented reptiles including Australian Blue Tongue Skinks (Tiliqua scincoides ssp.) for future generation...
Durham, NC
Baird's Rat Snake
Black Milk Snake
Central Rat Snake
Corn Snake
At Smoldering Serpents, we focus on producing a variety of snakes, mostly colubrids, and prioritizing high care standards for all of our animals whether they are bred or not. Between the two of us, we have been keeping repti...
Harrisburg, North Carolina
Leopard Gecko
Mexican Pine Snake
Western Hognose Snake
Hello! My name is Morgan Carpenter, I'm a small-scale reptile breeder and artist living in NC. I actually started as an aquarium hobbyist but after I got my first leopard gecko I was completely hooked on reptiles. Each year ...
Middletown, California
Amazon Puffing Snake
Common Monkey Lizard
Newman's Knob-Scaled Lizard
Texas Alligator Lizard
Tricolor Hognose Snake
Wellspring Herpetoculture is the passion project of Roy Arthur Blodgett. Roy keeps an eclectic array of reptiles with a focus on naturalistic, biotope husbandry. His background as a naturalist and ecological educator strongl...